Debunked: Common Myths And Misconceptions Surrounding Wagyu

Picture this: a succulent steak, beautifully marbled, practically melting in your mouth, and leaving an unforgettable taste that lingers long after the last bite.

If you've ever heard of Wagyu beef, you probably associate it with images like these.

However, it's time to set the record straight and dispel a few of the common myths surrounding this highly valued delicacy. Let's dive in and separate fact from fiction when it comes to Wagyu beef.

Myth 1: It is exclusively Japanese

Although Japan is renowned for its superb Wagyu beef, other countries also produce this delicacy.

A particular breed of cattle by the name of Wagyu has been grown and raised in countries including the United States, Australia, and even Europe. More often than not, these countries have embraced the conventional breeding methods employed in Japan to provide premium Wagyu beef that rivals its Japanese counterparts.

Myth 2: All Wagyu is Kobe beef

Many people mistakenly believe that all Wagyu beef is Kobe beef. However, Kobe beef is a specific type of Wagyu beef that comes from the Tajima strain of Wagyu cattle raised in the Hyogo Prefecture of Japan. It is renowned for its flavour, tenderness, and superb marbling. The cost of authentic Kobe beef is high and it is a rare delicacy. In essence, not all Wagyu beef is Kobe beef, but all Kobe beef is indeed Wagyu.

Myth 3: It is overrated

Some critics argue that Wagyu beef is overrated and that the hype surrounding it is unwarranted. Those who have had the pleasure of enjoying a perfectly cooked Wagyu steak, however, would beg to differ.

Wagyu beef has distinctive marbling from the intramuscular fat that gives it an unmatched tenderness and buttery mouthfeel. This marbling improves the flavour as well, making for a memorable dining experience. Even though people's tastes differ, it is safe to conclude that Wagyu beef delivers a unique culinary experience that is worth trying.

Myth 4: It is unaffordable

One of the most persistent misconceptions about Wagyu beef is that it's exorbitantly expensive and only accessible to the ultra-wealthy. While it's true that genuine, top-quality Wagyu beef can carry a higher price tag, there are various grades and cuts available to suit different budgets. Additionally, with increasing global demand, the availability of Wagyu beef has grown, making it more accessible than ever before.


Wagyu beef has established a reputation as one of the best and most sought-after beef varieties in the world due to its outstanding marbling and unmistakable flavour.

So, the next time you hear someone dismiss Wagyu beef as unattainable or overrated, you can confidently share the truth!

If you’re looking to try out a Wagyu beef don, pay a visit to OMI Wagyu today – an award-winning Japanese restaurant in Canberra City that specialises in affordable yet premium rice bowls. With a mission to out a unique and modern spin on traditional Japanese classics, you’ll be able to enjoy the prized marbling of premium Wagyu beef without breaking the bank. 

Let your tastebuds be the judge and savour this amazing, mouth-watering culinary treat!

OMI Group